Monday, June 7, 2010

Travel Cake

First and foremost I'm an architect.  I love buildings, drawings and math.  But I also love cake.  So when I was asked to create a cake for a couple who are moving from Boston to Florida I began sketching images of all the iconic buildings and things I could think of from all the places they've been to. Quickly a multitude of monuments, opera houses, leaning towers and Vespas began to take over my kitchen! The result is a delightful treat celebrating two wonderful people.  Oh, and the cake was filled with a lemon buttercream and fresh raspberries!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Puppy Birthday Cake

It was a busy baking weekend.  After completing the "fashionable bridal shower" cake I began work on a birthday cake for a 4 year old who loves puppies!  ( who doesn't?!)  Using bright colors I created this adorable cake. 

So What do you do with leftover cake and frosting??

Make a mini cake for Sunday Night Family Dinner!