Sunday, January 31, 2010

Boston Red Sox Cake

I love the Boston Red Sox almost as much as my Kitchenaid Mixer. So when a friend called and asked if I'd create a birthday cake with a Sox theme I did a multitude of jumpy claps and said YES! My sketches were very elaborate - three dimensional baseballs and a replica of the team cap. But time became my adversary. I had commited to attending an overseers meeting for my alma mater so I had to scale back on the decorations.

So I went to my old stand-by: Chocolate work! I decorated the sides with the team Logo, the twin red socks, the iconic "B" and two banners, one for each world series win of this century.

I had initialy created the scoreboard for the front face but when I was arranging the top it seemed to fit there perfectly. I even included the guy's age as their pitcher number. Sublte, no?
The baseball cap is actually a candle. I'm going to make one out of cake one day. I'm adding it to my to-do list right now!

This is the logo that I made to go on the top of the cake. But it seemed too big. I'm glad I chose the scoreboard but now I have this big white chocolate disc with nowhere to go!

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